23 Jan 2023 - 0.8 hours

I got down into the basement tonight to dimple the vertical stabilizer skeleton and skin. When I started handling the parts, I noticed that I didn't debur the holes on either of the VS spars so I hopped right in and did that.

After that quick bit of effort, I clamped my squeezer to the bench again and dimpled the skeleton parts. There are only four ribs and two spars so this went really quickly. I finished the night by using the squeezer to dimple the VS skin. There is only enough reach to get to the rivet holes on the edges of the skin so I only got about 2/3 of the skins holes dimpled. I didn't want to get the C-frame out at this point to get the interior holes dimpled as it was already a bit late and the boys were in bed so I didn't want to start whacking that thing with a hammer and making a bunch of noise.

Still no information on the backordered parts but I did pay the remaining balance on the wings kit so that should be in the mail soon! The most pressing thing for now is I need to come up with a plan for priming all these parts other than waiting until summer...