1 May 2024 - 1.5 hours

I used the pneumatic squeezer to motor through most of the rivets on the outside edges of the horizontal stabilizer. I didn't get the top-side root and tip rib rivets set, as you can see from the clecos.

I ended for the night when I got a little carried away with the squeezer... There is a doubler piece on the spar where the aileron attaches. The plans call out the same length rivet through this doubler as other locations where there isn't the doubler. I decided to bump it up to a -4 length rivet from a -3.5 to account for the extra doubler thickness. So that I wouldn't accidentally put in the wrong size rivet, I did those -4 rivets first and then did the -3.5 rivets all along the rear spar. Unfortunately, I was in the groove when squeezing those shorter rivets and went right into the doubler rivets and absolutely pancaked these two rivets...

Not a huge mistake, but I will need to fix it by drilling them out and resetting the -4 rivets, and that will be a job for next time.