16 May 2024 - 0.8 hours

I took some long overdue time and put the garage workspace into a little bit better arrangement. It's not perfect but it's better. I took the time to screw the 2x4 sheet of MDF to the base I made and cut the corners on an old 1/2" sheet of plywood so it would fit along the lower stretchers and be a shelf. I also tucked the paint booth into the corner and hung an old shower curtain along the end to make a door of sorts. All told it took like an hour and I've been putting it off for over a year...

I still need to put up some shelves and such but it's a better situation now than when I started the night, so there is that.

Onto actually working on the plane, I trimmed the R-710 rudder brace. This fits in the angle between the bottom rudder rib and rudder spar, and it might be my favorite piece on the kit so far. It's got great angles/geometry and nests just perfectly in there.

I had seen on other build logs that it's pretty easy to trim too much off so I went conservative with the snips and then worked my way down about another 2 mm with a file. Here it is all trimmed up.

Here it's been clecoed to the rudder spar and rib and match-drilled.