22 May 2024 - 0.5 hours

Just a quick night working on the rudder counterbalance weight and rib. I match-drilled the aft mounting hole (the one in the center of the rib) using the weight as a guide. Then past me surprised current me by having bought a #10 dimple and countersink cutter -- way to go past me! Then current me surprised current me by being able to find them after 12 years! That made dimpling the rib and countersinking the weight trivial.

I thought I would have to make R-00001, the strip of metal that the nut plates mount to, as it's given very exacting measurements on the plans, but on a whim, I went searching for a scrap or something that was pre-cut and found a baggie that had the pre-made and drilled strip, two screws, and two nut plates! I gave the strip a quick dimple and also the nut plates (using the skinny female die on the nut plates) and that's all there was to it.

Next step is counter sinking the trailing edge wedge.