26 May 2024 - 2.8 hours

I primed the rudder skeleton bits and bobs. It was a cool and rainy day which wasn't great for priming as it took a long time to dry. I got the sprayer performing better but still not great but again, it's not visible so it doesn't matter. I mixed up 200 ml of primer and when I had finished, I still had around 100 ml left so I put it in a jar and cleaned the gun. Then I realized that I didn't spray the rudder spar or trailing edge wedge so I scrambled to prep those pieces and then primed them with the left over. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough so I hit the bits that didn't get covered with the self-etching primer in a rattle can. That's why some parts have multiple colors.

While waiting for the primer to dry, I drilled the aluminum angle to the trailing edge hole pattern using one of the skins.

Hopefully, this keeps the trailing edge nice and straight!

Once the primer dried enough to handle, I riveted on the doubler plates.

One thing I didn't do was rivet on the nut plates as I couldn't find them immediately off hand, and it was dinner time so I stopped for the night.